Ceremony Tonic with Extra Matcha

Ceremony Tonic with Extra Matcha - Moodbeli

Ceremony Tonic with Extra Matcha

We made Ceremony Tonic using three organic ingredients that have been used in ceremony for centuries. It's uplifting, mood-boosting, and the perfect way to end your Friendsgiving, according to Buzzfeed. Occasionally we like to add extra matcha to our Ceremony Latte for an extra-activating treat, that's as beautiful as it is delicious. 



Add Ceremony Tonic, extra matcha, and Cloud Powder to a mug. For a simple tonic, add hot water and combine until frothy. For a creamier tonic, froth plant milk in a separate cup with a battery-powered latte frother, then add dry ingredients and blend until combined.

We make this in our travel mug and sip all morning long.